Saturday, 28 August 2021

Coming Back

           As once again I put virtual pen to paper, I wonder why I feel the need to respond to the urge to write. It has now been some nineteen months, or thereabouts, since last I put my thoughts on "paper". So why now? There are still a number of valid reasons why I should stay with my decision to stop writing so, again I ask myself, "Why?" In truth, I cannot fully answer that question, I can only offer a trigger that has fired my urge to write once more. There are a number of personal benefits to be gained from turning back to GWYNT, but the trigger lies in another's post.

          On Wednesday, 25 August 2021, my good friend Deanna quoted, in a post entitled "Entering the Arena" [Two Spirits - One Halle], the following comment from the New Morning Sun - Blue Rodeo 

"If we walk away, then we walk away never knowing what we could have done."

          It has been said that people with my personality type get to the ends of their lives saying, "I should have done more." I do not wish, when that day comes for me, to add the judgement, "I could  have done more, but chose not to do so." I have, therefore, chosen to come back and write, at least for a while longer.

          Some would say that in order to pursue a 'spiritual' life one needs an external teacher. This has always seemed to be false to me, having too many overtones of guru-ic control and manipulation. And what happens, for example, if one desires an external teacher but no such teacher is available? I can find no worthwhile answer to this question, particularly as there is always an internal teacher who can become available. Or perhaps I should say that an internal teacher will speak to one, if communication is truly requested. This access is one of the most important personal spiritual benefits of which I am aware. Who else can place those words on my lips, or in my finger tips, about which I will later ask, "Where did that wonderful phrase, those uplifting words, come from?"


  1. ... there is always an internal teacher . We just need to manage to quiet the other voices trying to distract us.
    So good to see you break your silence here.

    1. Thank you Deanna. Perhaps in quieting those others we find ourselves.

  2. Welcome back, Tom. Good to hear your thoughts again.

  3. I, like many others, are pleased to see your words again, on this 'paper'. I too find few reasons to write anymore, life is enough to figure out without having to put words to thoughts. Nice to see you.

    1. You happily surprise me with your statement, "!, like many others..." Thank you for boosting my day.

  4. Welcome back Tom and I look forward to reading your posts once again. Best wishes
