If "The Spectrum of Love" projects its message upward from the Deeps, onto the three principles referred to in my two earlier posts, and from thence up into normal consciousness, is there an even deeper level that feeds into the spectrum of love? I believe there is. Reaching into those hidden depths .....
"..........Mass and form slip away into the silence ..... Planes of black perceptiveness ..... A new sense of Presence, protective, guarding, feminine ..... alien but humanoid, yet radiating divinity.........".
There does appear to be a level or ..... World which is, seemingly, fundamental to everything; a World which creates all that is to come, but which itself is the outflowing of an Abyss. Maybe the inner Temple is the spiritual form which this World must take in order to be ..... recognised, or perceived by consciousness. Spontaneous or outflowing birth, the interaction of a deep World on one less deep appears to be the order of the evolving spiritual universe.
"..........Understanding is beginning to dissolve into unknowingness ..... Acceptance and descent is the chalice that must be willingly drained ..... There can be no other way, but through experience ..... Everywhere, filled with no-thing-ness .........."
"..........And the Spirit moved upon the Deeps.........."
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